A Construction Geeks Thoughts on the building trades, products and projects.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Habitat- Giving Back

Habitat for Humanity is a charity that is very close to my and my companies heart. We support our local affiliate through donations as a company of materials at a deep discount and by acting as a resource throughout the construction process. I serve on the affiliates board, and many of our employees donate time to the groups efforts throughout the year.

I tell you this not to blow my own horn, or to show what good things we do, but to remind you that we as the construction industry have a unique gift to give back to the communities we do business in. Habitat is not the only way to serve, but it is the one that I have chosen, as I agree with the groups aims and methods. If Habitat is not a cause you believe in, or is not active in your area, find something to volunteer with. I do not believe that we as business people and entrepreneurs "owe" anything to our communities that anyone can take, but I do believe that service is a virtue. That service provides many opportunities, both directly through the chance that I have to network and in a more karmic sense. That doing good for other begets good things is not a new idea, and one definitley worth trying out.

With that I want to encourage you to go build something. Not just houses or buildings, but communities, homes and families. If you are passionate about something, go make it happen! Find people like you and by hook or by crook help to build something that will outlast any building that any one of us could build in our careers.

Make an impact that will outlive you!

Please check out Habitat for Humanity of Roswell at Facebook and hfhr.org

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